Students Behaviour Policy

Terms & Conditions
Students Behaviour Policy

Redoor Education Ltd aims to ensure that all students behave well. The company expects positive and responsible behaviour at all times. We will not tolerate behaviour that is considered to be inappropriate, discriminatory, anti-social or criminal by any student.


The age of consent to any form of sexual activity is 16 for both men and women, so that any sexual activity between an adult and someone under 16 is a criminal offence. The age of consent is the same regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

Tattooing of a Minor – It is unlawful for anyone under age 18 to receive a tattoo without written parental consent. Piercing of a Minor – Prohibits a person from body piercing anyone under age 18 unless they have witnessed written parental consent. Violators are guilty of a misdemeanour.

In School

  1. Attend all classes and tutorials and arrive on time
  2. Commit to all assessment requirements, completing homework, coursework and assignment as required and on time.
  3. Recognise and respect the needs of all others regardless of race, culture, disability, gender or social class.
  4. Operating with honesty and integrity
  5. Understand and follow the school policy and rules.

When staying with a homestay

  1. Students are expected to communicate politely and respectfully. Students have to inform the host family about their plans and activities if they want to go outside alone
  2. Students must follow host family’s household routines and expectations concerning quiet time.
  3. Students should show understanding for different cultures and behave in respectful and appropriate manner at all times. We expect all students to be respectful to all other students, staff and host families.
  4. We expect students to respect host family’s property and the property to others, including keep host family clean and tidy.
  5. Students must not leave any cash or valuables unattended in your bedrooms. In Occasional cases, students must let house parents know and store in a safety place.
  6. Students must follow the guidance provided in Student handbook. Especially about fire safety, electrical safety and personal safety.
  7. No smoking, alcohol or illegal drugs allowed. The alcohol can only be allowed if a student are more than 16 years old and a special event carries on in the family for example Chinese New Year or Christmas dinner.
  8. Bullying is zero tolerance. We do not expect our students to behave in a way which deliberately cause harm to another (emotionally or physically).
  9. Students should take care to respect and abide by laws in the UK. Any students found to break UK law will incur the relevant sanction from the police or authority.
  10. Check with your host family about house rules, and follow the use of kitchen and bathroom rules.
  11. If you want to use the WIFI, please do ask the WIFI code and the rule of using WIFI.

We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.

This policy was last reviewed on: ……30/11/2022……………………………………………………

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