Become a Homestay Family

    Homestay Family Request Form

    Host Detail

    Family Name*

    First Name*

    Gender* MaleFemale

    Date of Birth*




    Home Address*

    Post Code*


    Phone Number*

    About Your Family

    Details of your spouse/partner(s).*

    Details of your child/children.*

    Details of other temporary/permanent resident(s)*

    Do you have any pets?* YesNo

    Are there smokers in your house?* YesNo

    Do you or your spouse/partner drive?* YesNo

    Experience and Suitability

    Please write about any experience you have (e.g. hosting students).*

    If you have hosted students previously, please give the organisation's name. Please tell us why you believe you may be a suitable host family*

    Accommodation / Facilities

    Please describe your house
    (e.g. terraced/detached, garden, communal areas).*

    Please describe the student accommodation offered
    (e.g. number of rooms, twin/single, bedroom furniture).*

    Do you have WIFI?* YesNo

    Do you have WORKING smoke alarms?* YesNo

    Do you have a carbon monoxide detector?* YesNo

    Student Preferences

    Are you happy to host male and female students?* YesNo

    Are you happy to host students of all ages?
    (Our students are generally 10-18 years old)?*

    Are you happy to host students with dietary requirements?* YesNo

    Are you happy to host students with physical or learning disabilities?* YesNo

    Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS)

    Have you completed a DBS Enhanced Disclosure within the last 3 years?* YesNo

    Has your spouse/partner completed a DBS Enhanced Disclosure within the last 3 years?* YesNo

    Have all other residents aged 16+ completed a DBS Enhanced Disclosure within the last 3 years?* YesNo

    *If you have any of the DBS disclosure that mentioned above, we would like to have a copy of the certificates. Could you please email to with your FULL NAME. Thanks.

    If you do not have a DBS Enhanced Disclosure, are you happy for Redoor Guardianship to apply for one on your behalf?
    (Approximately £50 per DBS will be deducted from your first payment)

    If your spouse/partner does not have a DBS Enhanced Disclosure, are you happy for Redoor Guardianship to apply for one on their behalf?
    (Approximately £50 per DBS will be deducted from your first payment)

    If other residents do not have a DBS Enhanced Disclosure, are you happy for Redoor Guardianship to apply for one on their behalf?
    (Approximately £50 per DBS will be deducted from your first payment)


    Please supply 2 references who have known you for at least 2 years

    Reference 1:

    Reference 2:

    Host Insurance

    Redoor Guardianship has Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance. Host families are required to have their own standard Household Insurance and to notify their insurers of their foreign students' stays. Do you have household insurance? YesNo

    If you are happy to drive students, do you have adequate car insurance? (please check if necessary)YesNo


    As a Redoor Guardianship homestay, you will be given guidelines and support. We will also visit you each year to ensure high standards are maintained. If there are any changes to the house, student facilities or household make up, it is your responsibility to let us know as soon as possible. If you have any questions in the meantime, please include them below.

    Redoor Guardianship requires the following from host families before we can place any students with you:
    Photo ID for each adult living in the houseOriginal DBS Certificates (for all persons over 16 years of age living at the premises)Child Protection Training (we will send you more information)Gas Safe CertificateInsurance certificate(s)

    The information given above is accurate and true. I am not aware of any reason why students should not stay in my house. Neither I nor anyone in the household has ever been warned or convicted of any offences under the Protection of Children Act 1989. I confirm that to the best of my knowledge the information given on this form is correct and I agree to all necessary background checks and terms & conditions. *
    I'm ready to send the message.

    The Next Step

    Following receipt and review of the Application Form, we would like to arrange a meeting with you to tell you more about Redoor Guardianship and the students under our care. You will be given guidelines and information on the support you will receive.

    We would also like to see the accommodation (please ensure you have working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors), and take copies of the following documents:

    • Photo ID for each adult living in the house
    • Insurance Certificate(s)
    • Gas Safe Certificate
    • Original DBS Certificates (for all persons over 16 years of age living at the premises);
    • If a new DBS check is required on any adult, copies of the following documents will be needed: Passport, Driving Licence and National Insurance Number
    • Child protection training (we will send you more information)


    Data Protection

    Redoor Guardianship is fully committed to compliance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Independent Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Therefore, procedures will be followed which ensure that all employees who have access to any personal data held by the company are fully aware of and adhere to their duties under the GDPR and the ICO. Personal information will be stored securely, ensuring that any information kept is adequate, relevant and dealt with appropriately and kept for no longer than its intended use. Our full Privacy Policy can be found here.

    Host family information may be requested by the parents of students seeking homestay arrangements for their child/children. Submitting the form above will confirm that you are happy for your details to be passed on to the parents. You can request a copy of this information from Redoor Guardianship.

    Personal information of students placed with you may be sent to you in advance. Submitting the form above will confirm that you will store this information safely, you will never pass any details on to a third party and you will delete the data when it is no longer needed.