
Comments and Complaints Procedures

Our Redoor Education aims to provide a safe, stimulating and caring environment where children, young person and their families feel welcome and valued. We believe in working together with parents to ensure their children’s needs are identified and met.

Redoor Guardianship Emergency Procedure

The safety of our students is our main priority. Redoor Education acknowledges that there may be situations out of their control that require planning for. This plan outlines what Redoor Education will do in the event of an emergency.

Absent or Missing Student Policy and Procedure

Redoor Education is committed to the well-being and safety of all our students and ensuring that their whereabouts are known at all times. The purpose of the policy is to assist in the location of the student by the safest and fastest means possible.

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

All children and young people will have the same protection regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity. This Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy applies to all staff, including, local guardians, drivers, host families, volunteers and sessional workers, or anyone working on behalf of this company.

Students Behaviour Policy

Redoor Education Ltd aims to ensure that all students behave well. The company expects positive and responsible behaviour at all times. We will not tolerate behaviour that is considered to be inappropriate, discriminatory, anti-social or criminal by any student.

Redoor Guardianship Anti-Radicalisation Policy

Redoor recognise the importance of making all individuals aware of the Prevent Strand of the national Contest strategy, the policy and procedure to follow if they identify any concerns in relation to radicalisation and extremism, and how we can work with partners to protect children from this form of child abuse.

Data Protection & Privacy Policy

The Data Protection Act 2018 protects individuals from the consequences of improperly obtained or processed information. It sets standards for the handling of personal data and establishes the right of individuals to have access to certain data. To comply with the law, information must be collected fairly, stored safely and not disclosed to any other person unlawfully.

Whistle Blowing Policy

All companies face the risk of things going wrong; to help prevent this Redoor Education seeks to promote a culture of openness.

Establishing a clear procedure for staff on how to raise concerns of suspected wrongdoing within the workplace;

COVID-19 Updates

Without exception, our guardianship organisation members are committed to assisting schools and parents in the safe return of students in the Autumn 2020.